Monday, March 28, 2016

Preparing our Hearts and Hands for Mission

The Greenbank Mission Team is about to embark on a 10 day short term mission to remote Guatemala.  Leaving April 8, 2016 we are busy packing, sorting and finishing off some of the preparations for the workshops, teachings, and events we will be hosting while there.

We are so fortunate to have had so many donations come in from the community, our friends and family.  After about 8 weeks of sorting and assembling and finally packing, we are closing the gap on the chores to complete before departure.

We are really excited to be offering a knitting workshop to a group of local women who have formed a co-op initiative to work together to sell their handmade items at the markets.  This self sustaining initiative is what we strive to encourage.  It empowers women to learn and practice new skills and it builds a sense of importance and self-worth in the communities.  As they are able to sell their goods at the market, it allows them to reinvest in their cooperative with new supplies and tools and leaves each with a little extra for food and necessities for their families.  We have had much support from the community helping us to prepare the squares for the workshop.  We are excited to watch this co-op grow!

Thank you in advance for your prayers of support as we venture to do God's Good Work.  Stay tuned to the blog as we keep you connected to the grass-roots work we are doing.

Thank you for your continued support!

Juli Conard-Myers