Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 6

Day 6 began an early day...but a "shocking" day for me.  My fingers were slammed in the door of the van, and were stuck until someone came to the rescue to open the door for me.  It was pretty scary, as we thought that they were broken.  Luckily, there was cold water close by, and prayer always helps, we were able to control the swelling and the pain.  It looks like I will lose my fingernails, but it could have been worse! 

We dropped the Property crew off to being their work day, and continued on to Parraxaj where we held medical and dental clinics.  Built a playground for the school (it was hard to keep the kids off of it until the cement footings were dry), Kathleen and Charlene ran a sewing workshop for 5 women, a group led crafts, games and football outside while the school classrooms were being painted, a team went to clean and furnish a home (cornstalk hut) and another team went to build a stove for a family in need.  We also had a crew out in the agriculture program weeding and planting, beautiful and perfect rows of peas, cabbage, squash, corn and tomatos.

This was a great day for everyone - especially Tim and I who bonded with a family, actually the family that recieved the adopt a home program earlier in the day.  The children are precious with infectious laughs and their presence in the world simply brightened our day.  Thank goodness that Tim speaks spanish well enough to carry on conversations!

After our team dinner, most went to a beautiful monestary which is illuminated in the evenings.  Absolutely breathtaking!

Will post more soon.  Thanks for reading and supporting!

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