Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 8 - Last day of work in Pascagoula

Last day...we slept in until 6:30 this morning.  Everyone was tired and moving slow this morning.

At the work site for 8am again, and it was over 100 degrees when we arrived.  Of course we have the roof to finish - the hardest part because the scaffolding wouldn't reach the far side of the house and there is a deck and porch that sticks out.  We had to assemble ladder jacks and rebuild 3 storeys of scaffolding on the other side of the house.  It was as safe as it could be considering the circumstances.  We lifted all the remaining bundles of shingles up onto the roof once it was tar papered and the drip tray installed.  Lots of breaks today and everyone wore gloves because the shingles were so hot that they would burn your fingers.  Basically, a crew rotated and worked at finishing the roof all day. 

Lisa and Lee went with Joe (a supervisor) to measure the joyces in a few houses - Lisa met a "spider-lizard" under one of the houses. 

Laura, Bre and Emily went with Mark/Ralph/Steve/Elmo to finish cleaning one of the other finished houses for the morning.  After Laura almost fell down the stairs, they called it quits and came back to the main work site to finish up the day with us.  These girls helped with moving shingles, and re-built the back porch and steps on the house.

Kerstie and Jodie ran 2x6 on the top of the inside walls so that the drywall would have something to butt up to.  A hot job as they were up in the rafters...

We finished the day at 4pm and had a sad good-bye circle.  We all really enjoyed working with our supervisors: Jamie, Mark, and Joe and with Michael (an Ameri-corps volunteer).  They made our experience really memorable and they were awesome to work with and for!  Jamie always started the day with a great devotional and prayer, which helped to remind us why we were there and what we were working for. 

We had little time to pack up and shower and evacuate Camp Victor.  We went for supper at The Mellow Mushroom as a farewell dinner - a great place for hoagies and pizza - probably the best pizza I have ever had!

We did get some driving in tonight, we are now just south of Montgomery Alabama - not where we intended to be, but everyone is so exhausted we can't push on any further.  So, nighty night and we will check in again tomorrow.

Good Work Team!

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